Introduce the Project |
Notes/Questions |
Fri. Jan. 23 |
5 articles on the same controversial issue from various
acceptable news sources due with MLA-style works cited page (25 pts.)
Group discussion on findings; have Mrs. Grossenbacher approve your topic |
Tues. Jan. 27 |
Topic Sentence Outline due |
Group discussion/comparison |
Fri. Jan. 30 |
Prewriting + Draft 1 due (typed) (10 HW points)
Partner Review |
collected |
Draft 2 due (typed – ready to share w/peers) (works cited page) (10 HW points)
Cut ‘n Paste Revision Strategy |
Fri. Feb. 20 |
Draft 3 due (typed – ready to share w/peers) (works cited page) (15 HW points)
Peer Editing |
Wed. Feb. 25 |
Final draft Persuasive Essay with original title with 3
drafts + works cited page due (50 essay points) (2 pocket folder: left side outline + rough drafts; right side final draft
Scored to AP Writing Rubric |
Mon. Mar. 2 |
Provide 3 – 5 minute persuasive speech to the class
based on researched argument (Sign up now!) (75 Tests/Projects Points) |
Scored to Speech Rubric |
Tues.– Thurs. Mar. 3-5 |